Divi is a popular page builder has built-in integration with Sitewide Sales.
With this integration, you can restrict content by sale period at the section or row level. You can choose to display content during the sale, or show specific elements before or after the sale only.
The Divi integration gives you more flexibility over the appearance and the content restrictions in your sale’s landing page.
Using the Divi Integration

- To start using Divi with Sitewide Sales, you must install both plugins and make sure they are activated.
- Edit a section or row and click on the settings icon
- Open the Advanced tab.
- Toggle the Sitewide Sales section and enter one of the following text options to Restrict Section/Row by Sale Period:
: Content is shown before the sale begins.sale
: Content is shown when the sale is running.post-sale
: Content is shown after the sale ends.
- Leave this setting blank so that all website visitors, regardless of the sale time period, can view the content.
- Save and publish your content.
You can preview Landing Page content for any one of the three sale periods using the technique outlined in our Landing Page documentation.